Jonagold, Ruby Jon and Pumpkins!

The cooler weather is here and looks like Fall has arrived!
This week we have added Jonagold and Ruby Jon to the Ripe and Ready list!
Jonagold is such a wonderful apple. It has a classic apple flavor and is incredibly juicy. It is a very versatile apple and is great for all uses.
Ruby Jon is our highest rating applesauce apple. It is sweet and juicy. If you leave a tiny bit of the skin on during cooking it will turn the applesauce a fun pink color. It is also great for eating.
For those anxious to get started on Pumpkin season, we are opening the pumpkin patch! We have quite the variety this year and can't wait to see what you all find in the patch!
With the cloudy weather this week our Watermelon did not ripen as fast as we expected. We will need to wait another week to open it back up again for picking.

Ruby Mac
Ruby Jon